We will gather this week with family and friends to give thanks for our many blessings.

Ken and I are thankful for the wonderful young people in our family.  Our two youngest granddaughters are beauties, both inside and out.  They are conscientious, studious, hard working girls.  A grandson will graduate from Southwest Texas State in a few weeks.  He excels in whatever he undertakes.  He may not get to be with us on Thanksgiving because a friend may need his help.  We will miss him if he is not here, but we appreciate his caring, kind willingness to help others.  An older grandson is moving up the career ladder and has just taken a new job out of state.  The young people in our extended family who will be here also have talents and accomplishments for which we are thankful.

A young woman in our extended family put this post on her Facebook page this week: “God is good. I am sitting in the waiting room at a Nissan dealership getting my car key fixed. I overheard one of the body shop workers giving the “bad news” to this elderly couple about their car. It was going to cost almost $1,000 to get their car fixed and I could tell they couldn’t afford it. Some of my family members may not get gifts this Christmas, but I took care of their bill. I told the body shop man not to tell them it was me and its been darling hearing their conversation. They are so grateful.  When I closed out the bill, the body shop worker told me that he had cried in his office. I had restored his faith and belief that there are good people in this world. He gave me 10% off my key and priced their work at cost. He asked to give me a hug before I left and began to cry as I wrapped him in my arms‪.” *

As I read her story, I wondered how many young people would have even thought of helping the elderly couple, much less have taken the action which she did.  The story speaks for itself as to what a remarkable young woman she is.

I ask you to join my family and me in prayer for our young people, not just those in our families, but all young people.  They need our prayers as they walk through this uncertain world.  They are our future and our hope.

*used with permission




  1. Melba Boozer Avatar
    Melba Boozer


    1. Charlcyann Avatar

      Thank you.

  2. Melba Boozer Avatar
    Melba Boozer

    What a beautiful thing the young lady did. God bless her!

    1. Charlcyann Avatar

      She is a remarkable young lady.